Mark Bradley-3 – Landscape Disruptors

Mark Bradley

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What's the real cost of waste in your landscape company? 5 questions with LMN CEO Mark Bradley

In this episode of the podcast, LMN CEO Mark Bradley and Stanley Genadek cover some common questions and pain points for all landscape companies. One of those commonly asked questions is, what should a company be willing to pay to hire and recruit a good foreman? And the answer will surprise you because although it's somewhat straightforward, there is a pretty handy formula and qualitative ways to determine this.

Another great question that Stanley puts forward to Mark is the top 3-5 wastes in every landscape company. Waste is perhaps the number one cost driver on any landscape project, from unbillable commuting, washroom breaks, waiting for materials, over-delivering materials, and the list goes on. Waiting equals dollars lost on every landscape job, but Mark shares some simple solutions throughout the podcast.

The other question tackled is centered around the great equipment debate, and how does a landscaper know when to buy new equipment? Or should you rent? It's commonly asked but not typically answered, and purchasing new landscape equipment is different for everyone. Mark shares a somewhat qualitative formula to help you make better and more informed decisions when buying, leasing, or renting landscape equipment.

Finally, the show ends with how an owner should truly use their numbers as the guiding light when rowing their company and know when to crawl, walk, and run. And what are the top 3 mistakes every owner makes when starting a company? This is undoubtedly a podcast you won't want to miss.

Mark Bradley

Mark Bradley co-founded LMN in 2009 based on his company’s need for landscape software that simply didn’t exist. Now the industry’s best business management software, he credits LMN as a catalyst for helping him scale TBG Landscape from a backyard business into one of the Top 100 landscape contractors in North America. Since his first lawn care customer in 1999, Mark has been passionate about educating the industry on best practices for building better businesses. Now a sought-after speaker and business coach, he regularly shares his insight at events including GIE+Expo, Snow and Ice Management Association (SIMA), the National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) and Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association, to name a few. Having recently completed the transition from landscape business owner to tech entrepreneur, Mark is committed to transforming talented landscape professionals into better business owners through industry leading software and learning opportunities.

Mark Bradley

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If you like this episode, check out our guests’ line up in Season One and Season Two.